Maria Bronsema – I need a balance to fight
Maria maakt mixed-media installaties. Haar kubistische reliëfs en expressieve performance video’s vormen samen een vloeiend geheel.
Over de kunstenaar
Over de tentoonstelling
‘’Het vechten naar balans in twee werelden die voor mij onmisbaar zijn, waar ik tegelijk naar verlang. Het schuurt om gevangen te zitten in structuren dat onze samenleving kent, waar ik vrij in wil bewegen. Het schuurt om vrij te bewegen in deze maatschappij waar structuur houvast kan bieden.
Ik zoek naar balans.
Jij zoekt naar balans.’’
In 2022 studeerde MARIA af aan de kunstacademie met haar expositie I NEED TO BALANCE AND FIGHT. Een gedeelte van het abstract vertolkte ze in spoken-word bij haar installaties door middel van performance.
‘’Mijn poëtische benadering is de enige verbindende manier. De norm vindt dat ik niet duidelijk spreek. Ik probeer het altijd wel. Niet meer ten opzichte van de kunst.’’
I will tell you my story about rules and desire for freedom
You can feel me, because the story is mine.
Next time it can be you, if you want to do the performance.
I cannot pay you. Also don’t blame me after, for feeling.
Art is freedom where we can feel free from boundaries.
Art is freedom where we can lean on closed lines.
Also, don’t mind the English. It’s a needy feel
to be universal. Like the genitals in my paintings.
Life is heavy, but the movement makes it light.
I am used to discharge physically, to obey a
psychic impulse. So better move to balance the truth.
Miró told me that one day. I think he had ADD too.
I can start with thinking how to make a piece of art.
Happens everywhere and every time.
Kind of annoying, but the trick is, just do.
For me it’s very hard to focus on one.
It’s one piece and more pieces at the same time
Like life, you know. I refrain from true nature,
because in my mind the colours do not fit.
They are a bit light, because the world is big.
I need to be able to do it at any time of the day.
That’s why I have enough canvas,newspapers I don’t
read, flower and acrylic paint in stock.
Luckily, I already carry my body.
The search for colour did not come from studies.
They come through the way of feeling.
It comes from the outside, from revelation of light in nature.
Matisse said. I used my windows a lot. Not literally.
The more I learn about myself, the more I understand you.
I used my story now, but I saw yours through my Window.
My empathic ability is big enough.
I know so because I had therapy.
Sometimes I really don’t know what I’m doing.
But it kind of makes sense, after seeing Club Guy & Roni.
They’re telling me, stay true to improvisation and expression.
Those are my ingredients for the right foundation.
I always begin by rolling on a canvas.
I catch the shapes of the forms I make with my body.
Later the story will be known, but not to you.
You can ask for it, though.
I need to do this.
It’s not a 10 second ride, like you do in a museum.
You need to do whatever you want.
As long as my art is in that museum.
You can feel, don’t understand, experience whatever.
Maybe I’m even hoping you forget your necessary
overthinking. I kind of get Mark Rothko, you know him?
He also didn’t care about his last name.
For a long time I didn’t know that I had to mix the media.
When in fact I already did by questioning the whole thing.
Just like Guy & Roni continue to question the concept
of dance. That’s nice. I feel a bit the same.
It feels like it’s all falling in place now and finally it begins.
I must confess that it often comes naturally.
But to understand, took me a while.
Can’t wait to forget everything again.
The study of the materials is clear but forever evolving.
I need to make relief paintings for cubistic locked forms.
I need my performance videos for breaking through.
But I can’t live without either of them.